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Supporting families information and eligibility

The Supporting Families Programme (2022-2025) focuses on building the resilience of vulnerable families and providing those in need with the right support at the right time. The Supporting Families Programme has two key ambitions:

  • To see vulnerable families thrive and build their resilience by providing effective, whole family support to help prevent escalation into statutory services.
  • To drive system change locally and nationally by working with local authorities and their partners to create a network of service that identify families in need.  This network will provide the right support and at the right time and track their outcomes in the long term.

To be eligible for the Supporting Families Programme you need to meet three of the following 10 criteria:

  • Getting a good education (average less than 90% attendance)
  • Good early years development
  • Improved mental and physical health (child or adult needs support with mental health and physical needs)
  • Promoting recovery and reducing harm from substance misuse
  • Improved family relationships (parenting support, parental conflict, unsupported young carer or changed circumstances, child violent/abusive in the home)
  • Children safe from abuse and exploitation
  • Crime prevention and tackling crime (adult involved in crime, child at risk of crime)
  • Safe from Domestic Abuse
  • Secure housing (temporary, unsuitable and vulnerable housing or threat of eviction)
  • Financial stability (worklessness, support with finances, unmanageable debt, young person not in education employment or training)

Children and families enter Children’s Services through the ‘Front Door’ and are directed to the service which best supports their needs. The Early Help system and Family Wellbeing services want to give families the right help, at the right time, in the right place by using a continuum of need to assess the required level of support.

Supporting Families supports service transformation and incentivises the delivery of whole family support to families with the most complex needs. In addition, it drives wider reforms to the way public services are delivered and creates a sustainable early help system.

North Somerset Council have developed a pilot ‘Supporting Families Funding Panel’ (SFFP) to allocate funding. A maximum of £5,000 will be allocated to a minimum of 10 applications but may be increased if applications are requesting lesser amounts of funds.


The aim of this panel is to oversee proposals for innovative and creative approaches which are short term and outcome-focussed short interventions and activities for families – this could be children, adults or both.  

These interventions will be targeted and delivered in conjunction with the Lead Professional’s work with families, enhancing and supporting existing work. The interventions, which could be up to 6 months in duration, can also be used to address specific identified groups of individuals, communities, and the environment.

Examples might include:

  • Health and Wellbeing activities
  • Mentoring/Coaching
  • Outdoor activities
  • Sports activities

The panel will also look at applications for resources and or equipment which enhances engagement with families and join up local services.

The panel will assess applications, decide on successful applicants, and confirm the amount of funding to be received. Successful applicants will be expected to report on the outcomes achieved to ensure that future funding is targeted at the most effective intervention, resources, and equipment


Please complete the application form and email it to

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