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Frequently asked questions

You may have certain questions concerning the HAF programme, if you cannot find an answer to your question please email

Is this related to the Holiday Free School meal voucher scheme?

No. The holiday free school meal voucher scheme was funded by grants.

The Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF) is funded by the Department of Education which has given strict stipulations on how we are able to distribute the money - we are unable to distribute any additional vouchers in accordance with HAF guidelines.

Are my children eligible for the free holiday, activities and food programme?

To be eligible for funded places your child must be aged from 5 to 16 years old and be in receipt of benefits-related free school meals, and not just the universal free school meals that all children get in the first two years of school.

What should my child/children expect?

Each eligible child or young person will be able to access 4 days provision per week. Each provider will offer:

  • One meal during the session
  • Enjoyable activities. These vary from provider to provider but may include creative, enriching or physical activities
  • Socialising and friendly spaces to build relationships
  • Guidance and signposting for parents and carers to support your family

How do I find an activity?

All activities will be on the HAF website.

If my child receives an invitation, do they need to attend?

Attendance is voluntary so your child does not need to attend a HAF programme.

What are the expectations around food?

We expect that the food will meet the school food standards, ensuring all children receive a healthy, balanced meal. Providers are required to provide a minimum of one meal a day – this could be breakfast/lunch or tea/dinner. The food served through the Programme should be hot. There may be exceptional circumstances where a hot meal is not possible, and a cold alternative may be appropriate, but this would need to be discussed and confirmed with the HAF team.

My child or young person attends an existing holiday provision, as I work. Can they still access the Holiday Activity and Food programme?

Yes, provided they meet the eligibility criteria, they are welcome to access the Holiday Activity and Food programme for free.  Ask your existing childcare provider to get in touch via

Can my child attend an activity in another local authority area?

Yes as long as the provider signs up to the North Somerset Council programme. 

We received supermarket vouchers during school holidays in the past. If my child takes up HAF activities does this mean we won’t receive the vouchers?

The voucher scheme is completely seperate from the HAF programme.  

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