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Advice & Information

Policies, procedures and templates for childcare providers

Your policies and procedures play an important role in helping you meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. They are there to help and guide staff and should be readily available for families so that everyone connected with the setting has a good…

Pre-schools and nurseries

Pre-school A pre-school is an early years setting where young children under statutory school age have the opportunity to learn through play. They are also sometimes known as a playgroup. Pre-schools or playgroups are aimed at children aged 2-5 years. They offer sessional care, for example mornings or…


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, Safeguarding involves: protecting children from abuse and maltreatment preventing harm to children’s health or development ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.…

Schools Accessibility Strategy

Each Local Authority in the UK has a legal requirement to ensure that all children and young people with SEND have access to the National Curriculum. All Local Authorities are required to publish an Accessibility Strategy.   The overall aim is to ensure that North Somerset supports…

Schools and learning

Since 2013 all young people must stay in some form of education or training until they are 18 years old.  We support early years children 2-5 years with SEND into primary school through the 'Inclusion Link Programme You may need further information about your child starting school: School admissions …

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Partnership Board

The SEND Partnership Board (formerly the SEND Programme Board) is the group which ensures that the systems and process we operate and the services we commission fit together to provide the best support for children with SEND in North Somerset. It meets once every school term.…

Special Educational Needs Tribunals

A simple guide for parents, and an information sheet co-produced by children and young people is now available. The SEND Tribunal is a formal means of resolving disputes between the Local Authority and parents, carers and young people about the support provided to them via…

Specialist childminders

This is a joint project between North Somerset Council and Springboard Opportunity Group that aims to develop childminder's skills and confidence in supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), alongside their mainstream children. Specialist childminders are committed to ensuring that children with SEND are…

Support for children with special educational needs in early years settings

Any Early Year’s setting that a child attends must have arrangements in place to support children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).  These arrangements should include a clear approach to identifying and responding to SEN. All early years settings in North Somerset will have identified…

Transition between services

The term 'transition' is used to refer to life changes that children and young people may go through, for example moving from one educational setting to another, pre-school to primary school, primary school to secondary school, etc. Pre-school to school – age 4 or 5…
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