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Pre-schools and nurseries

Pre-school A pre-school is an early years setting where young children under statutory school age have the opportunity to learn through play. They are also sometimes known as a playgroup. Pre-schools or playgroups are aimed at children aged 2-5 years. They offer sessional care, for example mornings or…

Early Years workforce

These pages are for North Somerset childcare professionals.  We hope that you find them useful.  Please let us know if there is anything that you would like to see included.

Early Years SEND Top-up Funding

All early years providers have access to support, advice and guidance from the North Somerset Early Years Area Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs). The Graduated response document outlines how early years providers can access this support as part of their graduated response. To request additional support and advice…

Policies, procedures and templates for childcare providers

Your policies and procedures play an important role in helping you meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. They are there to help and guide staff and should be readily available for families so that everyone connected with the setting has a good…


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, Safeguarding involves: protecting children from abuse and maltreatment preventing harm to children’s health or development ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.…

30 hours of childcare

All children aged 3 or 4 years old are eligible for 15 hours of free early education for 38 weeks of the year. Children are eligible from the term after their 3rd birthday. The government has extended this offer to 30 hours a week for…

Help with childcare costs

Help paying for childcare The Government have produced guidance for parents called 'help paying for childcare', this information talks about tax credits, universal credit, childcare vouchers and help for students that need help while they study.  They also have a useful website called childcare choices which enables parents…

About childcare

Understanding Childcare Childcare support is expanding from April 2024 visit Childcare Choices to find out more. If you are claiming benefits or on a low income your 2 year old may be entitled to funding. Check to see if your child is entitled to two…

Early Years Funding - Information for childcare providers

Early Years Funding has to be claimed by childcare providers on-line via our funding system.  If you would like to claim funding, you can request to be set up via emailing: Please note we do not backdate funding. Within the system you will be able to:…

Specialist childminders

This is a joint project between North Somerset Council and Springboard Opportunity Group that aims to develop childminder's skills and confidence in supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), alongside their mainstream children. Specialist childminders are committed to ensuring that children with SEND are…
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